



個体識別可能。2つの異なる洞穴出身の個体群を混群。13例の献血の内12例は同じ洞窟出身。(ドーキンズ 2005:370-372より)
ヒトにおける強い互酬性(strong reciprocity)
Humans cooperate with genetically unrelated strangers, often in large groups, with people they will never meet again, and when reputation gains are absent. Recent research indicates that strong reciprocity, the combination of altruistic punishment and altruistic rew
arding, has been crucial in the evolution of human cooperation. People often reward others for cooperative, norm-abiding behaviors, and they punish violations of social norms.(de Quervain D, et al.2004:2)

...if the response to noncooperation is just noncooperation on the next round, then tit for tat can unite groups of only a few hundred.
In a large enough group, a cheating vampire bat can beg a meal from different successful bat each night and, when they come to him pleading for a return fabour, just wrap his wings around his head and pretend to be asleep. What are they going to do to him? Well, if these were people rather than bats, we know what they'd do: They'd beat the hell out of him. Vengeance and gratitude are moral setiments that amplify and enforce it for tat.(Haidt 2006:50)

最後通牒ゲームとは(はてなキーワード) さて今度はこのゲームをfMRIスキャナーの中でプレイしたと考えてみよう。プリンストン大学 のアラン・サンフェイとその同僚は、まさにそれを実施した。研究者たちは、人が不公平な提案をされた時に、脳のどの部位が賦活するかを観察したのである。(不公平な提案と公平な提案の反応を比較した時に)最も違いが見られた三つの領域のうちのひとつは、脳の下前頭部の皮質領域である、前島皮質だ。前島皮質は、特に怒りや嫌悪感といった、最もネガティブで不快な情動状態の時に賦活することが知られている。もう一つの領域は、額のちようど後ろ側にある背外側前頭前皮質で、その領域は計算や推論をしている時に賦活することが知られている。おそらく、サンフェイの研究の最も印象的な発見は、受け入れるか拒否するかという最終的な反応を、選択ボタンを押す一瞬前の脳の状態を見ることによって予測できるということだろう。背外側前頭前皮質よりも前島がより賦活した研究参加者は、総じて不公平な提案を拒否した。その逆のパターンでは、総じて受け入れた。
Now suppose you played this game while inside an fMRl scanner. Alan Sanfey and his colleagues at Princeton had people do just that; the researchers then looked at what parts of the brain were more active when people were given unfair offers. One of the three areas that differed most (when comparing responses to unfair vs. fair offers) was the frontal insula(前島皮質), an area of the cortex on the frontal underside of the brain. The frontal insula is known to be active during most negative or unpleasant emotional states, particularly anger and disgust. Another area was the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex(背外側前頭前皮質), just behind the sides of the forehead, known to be active during reasoning and calculation. Perhaps the most impressive finding from Sanfey's study is that people's ultimate response--accept or reject--could be predicted by looking at teh state of tehir brains moments before they perssed a button to make a choice. Those sujects who showed more activation in the insula than in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex generally went on to reject the unfair offer; those with the reverse pattern generally accepted it.(Haidt 2006:51-52)


Wason Test

wason test
wason test with cheater detection


Causing harm to others would hardly seem to be relevant to cooperation, other than as a barrier to it. However, because selfish individuals will exploit cooperators, functional punishment is an effective mechanism for enforcing cooperation by deterring free-riding....
Second-party functional punishment is a self-serving behaviour at the disposal of dominant individuals who can coerce others into behaving cooperatively, .... Third-party and altruistic functional punishment are less likely to be selfishly motivated and would seem more likely to maintain norms of cooperation in large groups.(Jensen 2010:1)

機能的処罰は、人間における協調性を維持するうえで重要であり、そうしたやり方は、おそらく他の動物たちのなかでは見られない(Fehr & Fischbacher 2004a)。その大きな理由の一つに、人間は、そうすることで個人的にはなんの得にもならない時ですら、社会的違反に対して他者を罰するということがある。...罰するためのコストはその個人が負い、そこから得られる利益は集団がうけとるという理由から、機能的処罰は「利他的処罰」と呼ばれている。
functional punishment is important in maintaining cooperation in humans, perhaps in a way not seen in other animals (Fehr & Fischbacher 2004a). One basic reason for this is that humans will punish others for social violations even when they personally stand nothing to gain. .... Because the costs are borne by the individual but the benefits accrue to the group, the functional punishment is called 'altruistic punishment'.(Jensen 2010:5)

The presence of defectors causes a decline in public contributions over successive trials, even though each individual never plays against the same group of players more than once. However, allowing players to inflict a cost on others by giving up a smaller portion of their endowment has the effect of punishing defecting. As a result, cooperation in the form of giving money to the public pool stabilizes at a high level. The reason that altruistic functional punishment is functionally altruistic is that the punishers pay an additional cost to harm the target, even though they never again interact with the reformed defector and do not gain recognition or any other material benefit, and any benefits go to other anonymous individuals.(Jensen 2010:5)

In a third-party punishment experiment, an observer witnesses a transgression such as defection in a Prisoner's Dilemma game played between two other participants. This anonymous observer can give up part of his endowment to inflict a cost on the violator even though he can gain nothing from his actions. Canonical economic models of rational self-interest predict that the observer should give up nothing, but some people will still impose a cost on violations of cooperative norms, a finding that has been replicated in various cultures (e.g. Henrich et al. 2005).(Jensen 2010:5)

義憤 moral outrage
ある示唆によると、フリーライダーを阻止することで協調を維持する機能がある処罰行動は、特殊な「ズルいやつ検出モジュール」とでも言える独自の心理的メカニズムをともなっている(Cosmides 1989)。さらに、ヒトは、処罰者にターゲットを傷つけたいという欲望を吹き込む動機付けシステムとしての処罰感情を進化させてきたのかもしれない(Price et al. 2002)。この、トリヴァーズ(1971)その他が「義憤」と呼ぶ処罰感情は、悪を正したいという、一種の正義感覚に対する信念にもとづいているのかもしれない。
One suggestion is that punitive behaviours, which function to maintain cooperation by deterring freeriders, have a unique psychological mechanism such as a specialized cheater detection module (Cosmides 1989). Furthermore, humans may have a punitive sentiment, an evolved motivational system that imbues the punisher with a desire that the target be harmed (Price et al. 2002). This punitive sentiment, what Trivers (1971) and others call 'moral outrage', may be predicated on a belief in a sense of justice (e.g. Charlesworth 1991), of correcting a wrong.(Jensen 2010:7)

心理的処罰というトピックに関するもう一つ考えておきたいのは、感情の役割である。道徳哲学から期待できることとは反対に、感情は道徳的判断において重要な役割を果たしている(e.g. Frank 1988; Greene & Haidt 2002)。経済ゲームにおいて他者を処罰する際に人々は怒りをかんじていると報告しており、じっさいにそれに対応する生理学的、神経学的プロセスを示している(Pillutla & Murnighan 1996; Fehr & Gachter 2002; de Quervain et al. 2004; van't Wout et al. 2006)。物質的な利益がただちにともなうわけではない以上、処罰することは快感であるはずなのだ。即時の動機付け的報償の形をとる至近メカニズムは、処罰と他者に対するネガティヴな見方を結びつける上で重要である(e.g. de Quervain et al. 2004)。同様な結果は、シンガー他(2006)でも示された。被験者たちは、先立つ囚人のジレンマゲームで自分を裏切った人々が身体的に痛い刺激を受けるのを見るとき、その脳では報酬系が活発に活動していたのである。
A further consideration on the topic of psychological punishment is the role of emotions. Contrary to what would be expected from moral philosophy, emotions play an important role in moral judgements (e.g. Frank 1988; Greene & Haidt 2002). People report being angry when punishing others in economic games, and they show concomitant physiological and neurological responses (Pillutla & Murnighan 1996; Fehr & Gachter 2002; de Quervain et al. 2004; van't Wout et al. 2006). Punishing should feel good, since material benefits would not always be immediately forthcoming. Proximate mechanisms in the forms of immediate motivational rewards are important for mediating punishment and negative other-regard (e.g. de Quervain et al. 2004). Similar results were found by Singer et al. (2006) in which men experienced increased activation in the reward circuit of the brain when they saw people who had previously cheated against them in a Prisoner's Dilemma game (actually confederates) receive a physically painful stimulus.(Jensen 2010:7)

...recent models of the evolution of human cooperation indicate that altruistic punishment has deep evolutionary roots. This suggests that proximate mechanisms evolved that induce humans to bear the cost of punishing others. Because altruistic punishment is not an automatic response, such as the digestion of food, but rather is an action based on deliberation and intent, humans have to be motivated to punish. The typical proximate mechanism for inducing motivated action is that people derive satisfaction from the action.(de Quervain D, et al. 2004:2)

二名の参加者AとB。各自10MU(money units)ずつ所有。

結果は制裁を決断したときに線条体 dorsal striatum の尾状核 caudate nucleus が賦活

決断に至るまで、制裁したいという強い欲望と、それにかかるコストで逡巡しているときには、腹内側前頭前野(ventromedial prefrontal cortex) と眼窩前頭前野(the medial orbitofrontal cortex)の賦活が見られた。


In a world with no gossip, people would not get away with murder but they would get away with a trail of rude, selfish, and antisocial acts, often oblivious to their own violations. Gossip extends our moral-emotional toolkit. In a gossipy world, we don't just feel vengeance and gratitude toward those who hurt or help us; wre feel pale but still instructive flashes of contempt and anger toward people whom we might not even know. We feel vicarious shame and embarrassment when we hear about people whose schemes, lusts, and private failings are exposed. Gossip is a policeman and a teacher. Without it, there would be chaos and ignorance.(Haidt 2006:55)


リチャード・ドーキンス 2005『利己的な遺伝子』日高敏隆他訳 紀伊國屋書店

Haidt, J., 2006, The Happiness Hypothesis: finding modern truth in ancient wisdom, Basic Books
(邦訳:ジョナサン・ハイト 2011『しあわせ仮説:古代の知恵と現代科学の知恵』藤沢隆史・藤沢玲子訳 新曜社)

de Quervain D, et al., 2004, 'The neural basis of altruistic punishment.' Science 2004(305): 1254-1258.PDF版

Jensen, K., 2010, 'Punishment and spite, the dark side of cooperation,' Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 365: 2635-2650. PDF版